torsdag 7 december 2017

Made a new skin

I have made a new skin, a little more Christmas dress 😊
I have used "Skin maker 3D for Minecraft".
It is a pretty simple skin maker, but I was a little angry when I was going to turn it around, because sometimes it just didn't want to turn my way. So I looked up another skin maker and found " Skin editor for Minecraft".

I did made a video on my dress change and you can see it here.😊

fredag 17 november 2017

Entréns to an area in my Funpark

I saw I video from "Fed X Gaming" and thought that a entrĂ©ns like that will look good on the area I'm working on. In soon time you will see what I'm trying to make. That is, if you don't see the sign to the entrĂ©ns 😊
I used a lot of parts to this door.
Blocks of Iron, beacon, redstone blocks, gates, sticky pistons, repeaters, buttons, carpet, redstones, droppers, hopper.

torsdag 9 november 2017

Almost finished with the Santa lantern

In this video I almost finish the lantern. I have a little glass on the sides left. You will see me build the top of the lantern and the candle inside.

onsdag 8 november 2017

Started a christmas project

I'm using red concrete blocks. In the video, I'd starting with red concrete powder blocks and notice it doesn't work for this project so I changed it. I build a platform that is 12 x 12 blocks. Make 4 pillars that is 16 x 4 blocks.

mÄndag 6 november 2017

Sorry I haven't been here..

Lots to do. Well, I got a feeling to start to build again and I really wanted my elevator to work in my "Funpark". So that is what I'm doing in this video and having a little fun with my friend. 😄

tisdag 30 maj 2017

Now to the green house :)

In this video I'm making a green house. This is 10 x 7 blocks. I used glass pane first, but I change my mind to glass blocks.