fredag 22 april 2016

Part 19 roof over the path

I thought I would a roof over the path to the pavilion so you can walk there even when it rains.

måndag 18 april 2016

Making a pavilion in wood and glass blocks. Part 18.

Here is a picture of the ground so you can see it if you miss it in the video. If you want to make it off course :)

Watch the video to see how it turns out :)

torsdag 14 april 2016

Part 17 finishing touches

I'm finishing the bridge and make a little more alive with flower decorations.

I used

*vines (on the poles)
*flower pots
*white and pink tulips
* blue orchid
* rose bush
* oxeye daisy

tisdag 12 april 2016

måndag 11 april 2016

Part 15 Building bridges

 I started on a bridge, which still shows in the beginning of this video, but  I'm not really happy with it.
It is little hard to get this first one to look great...

tisdag 5 april 2016

Part 14 the bridge

I had started to build a bridge from my house to the lighthouse and now I want to make it look a little better. It's a long bridge, takes a little time. :)