tisdag 30 maj 2017

Now to the green house :)

In this video I'm making a green house. This is 10 x 7 blocks. I used glass pane first, but I change my mind to glass blocks.

söndag 28 maj 2017

Here again

I felt like I wanted to do things around the house now and start up by doing a vegetables garden. But first I did a little bridge so I could walk between the church and the house.

tisdag 16 maj 2017

A little place outside the church

I thought I could make a little place to get married on, outside the back of the church.
Here are pictures day and night

Here is the video how I built it :)


måndag 15 maj 2017

Here again after a few days of trouble

I have tried out to do many different things in Minecraft, but I haven't so far succeed with what I wanted. Instead my Minecraft got some problems and I had to use an older file to fix it.
So I made this video with things I have in my inventory.
I made a corner where you can light a candle, (in this case, a torch) in memory of your loved ones.

And I made a church organ. I'm not sure it would look like this always , but for now it will.
 The YouTube video

onsdag 10 maj 2017

Stairs to the balcony and some lights

 I'd started to play today and made a video. After 10 minutes it stopped and said my world was "corrupted and couldn't be saved". All the work I had done was gone...for the day. I had saved my worlds file so I could take it back if something happened. But my video was lost. As I start in this video, you see I have already started on the stairs and made benches.

tisdag 9 maj 2017

Make some changes

I discovered that I had done one extra block on one side of the building so I had to fix that. That meant I had to fix the entre to the church too. Now there is one door instead of two.

måndag 8 maj 2017

Chandeliers, alter and a little help

Today I'm building chandeliers in the church and a alter. Because I made the floor higher, I made a change with the glass windows.

fredag 5 maj 2017

The last wall comes up and the roof :)

In this video I will set up the last wall and put on the roof.
Then I will go inside the church and make a balcony. :)

onsdag 3 maj 2017

Walls on church going up..

I have started to build up the walls and as I said before. I build as I go along, because I can see it better when I'm building at the same time. In this video I'm building on the front and back of the church:)